Hifiberry Digi volume control fail


I used Raspberry Pi 2 with a Hifiberry Digi and latest Volumio 2, and Volume option by default
mixer type -> none
mixer control name -> none

Playback works fine, but volume was always at 100%, I can’t control the volume with UI

I tied to change Volume option to used software control, but in this case I don’t have any music
mixer type -> software
mixer control name -> software volume control

Have miss something on my setting?, modify configuration in ssh terminal ?
Have you any workaround to configure or solve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your Help.
Volumio it’s a great tools

Same here with rpi3 and hifiberry dac+

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Did you make sure that you rebooted after changing the type to “software control”?

That was the missing piece, thnx chsims1!

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