I got myself the Hifiberry DAC2 Pro - as smart as I was; i didn’t check compatibility with volumio before. Or at least I couldn’t make it work with Volumio so far.
Any good hint from experts or information regarding taking this DAC in?
Thanks in advance
I2S: Hifiberry DAC Pro+ (DAC2 Pro doesn’t exsist)
After setup (without restart) it plays
After restart, ALSA “hw:2,0”
Only workaround is; change in playback options to the “DAC Pro +” again; save it; start playback.
But I think this is a very unlucky solution right? So I don’t know if volumio yet fully supports this device?
Hello, thank you. Yes - i know this thread.
As above described - I tried that. But it doesn’t solve the restart topic. And it doesn’t solve the topic that no sound is comming out after directly setting the DAC up.
Where I can promise you - with moode the DAC works with these settings - only that i don’t like moode.
So I hope things might continue in this thread - i think this is at least where it kind of belongs to.
I posted what works for me on hifiberry community, maybe can help also someone here.
I think there are 2 different issues that are easy to confuse:
1- the headphones jack cannot work in Volumio, SOLUTION: buy a 4€ RCA to jack adapter on Amazon, end of the story.
2- the DAC2Pro with Volumio after reboot doesn’t work anymore with “Alsa HW 2.0” error, SOLUTION: after the first configuration with everything working fine, switch off the pi, edit config.txt and insert command.
force_eeprom_read=0 restart the pi3.
I have a pi3 with DAC2Pro and in that condition finally everything works fine: jingle at boot, the led on the DCA2Pro turn on when playback, volyme control works, now it’s perfect!
the line above and the line Hifiberry posted in the Details for DAC2 Pro (dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus) anything works. Only the volume control is not working. No Problem because my Amp has a remote.
hi just wanted to say thank you for posting the force_eeprom_read=0 fix that worked!
I have a DAC2 PRO with pi4, 7inch “official” touch in a smartiPI touch pro case
for new people:
-go to volumio.local/dev and enable ssh
-download free tool called putty
-in putty, ssh to volumio.local or IP of your r-pi
-ssh user and password is volumio
-use command cd /boot
-use command sudo nano config.txt
-add the following line anywhere “force_eeprom_read=0” with out quotes
-save, exit
-use command sudo reboot
-in volumio.local > settings> playback options> output device > hifiberry dac plus > CLICK SAVE
dont forget to change your volume options on the same page to > mixer type > “software”