Hifiberry AMP2 alsa error

Hi all,
I feel bad because I had a system that worked and now…
Here is my actual set-up (and what was different before)

  • RPI 4 4Go RAM (RPI 4B 8Go)
  • Volumio 3.611 with myvolumio premium (3.449)
  • Qobuz
  • hifiberry AMP2

I can’t find the right settings and parameters.
I have the standard "Failed ot open “alsa” (asla); failed to open ALSA device “volumio”: no such device…

I have had this issue in the past but after 2 days of looking through the posts here and some other places, changed and tested all Hifiberry DAC and so and so…

Does someone have quite the same set-up and could share its parameters?



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These settings work for me:



Thanks for the quick reply!
Do you have a 4 or a 8Go RAM PI?
Wht kind of mixer did you set?

Still not working… hummm…

Hi Baptiste

This is my system:

Hope this helps.


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And this is in the playback options:

