I am running Volumio on a rPi2 with an Audiphonics ESS DAC hat for the last 5 years. It is connected to an vintage Rotel pre-/power amp combo (RC 870BX & RB 850) and ultimately a pair of Canton CT100 floostanders.
I mostly listen to Qobuz (Sublime) through Volumio and I am very happy with the sound.
I have tried other platforms (LMS on iMac and Squeezelite player on rPi, picore and dietpi, Max2Play) but I find myself returning to Volumio on a regular basis.
The iMac died after 16 years of service just a few weeks ago. Until then, I used Audirvana and the Audirvana remote app to feed the rPi, since then, I am back to the Volumio app but I am missing some Qobuz options, that were available in Audirvane (e.g.: selecting genres in new releases) but I am hopeful, that Volumio comes around to offer that. (Yes, I am on the latest beta with new Tidal and Qobuz integration).
But these are minor irks. All in all, Volumio offers tremendous quality and I have happily recommended it to frienda quite a few time over the last years.