hi guys,
i’m searching over the forum and the internet and saw some people have the same issue as i have but with different DAC’s…
the problem is that after a fresh image of volumio 2.201 on my RPi zero with pimoroni speaker-phat i get toe the web ui and select the DAC and press save and reboot… after the reboot the start sound play on max volume (no static to hear). everything is ok… but i want the software volume control and select software and press save again… now the web ui goes but volumio doesn’t reboot… and a lot of static sound from the speaker which is getting very VERY hot ( normally the RPI and DAC takes 200mA MAX but after the save move the power consumption goes from 200 to 900mA…
i tried this with a hifiberry with the same result…
what is going on? am i doing something wrong or is it a bug in the system…
please help