Hello ive just started a hifi build im using a 1987 double cassette player for the case, i have a raspberry pi 4 and a hifiberry amp 2 i have the rotary encoder working and the gpio buttons but im having trouble with the lcd i bought this one i know it says its not for raspberry pi but ive seen them working on pis, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Youmile-Serial-Module-Shield-Arduino/dp/B07PWWTB94/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=4x20+lcd+screen&qid=1593814804&sr=8-3 now ive looked everywhere online in how to install a screen but im very confused, i know how its wired just need to know which phyhon to use, im not a complete noob but not great lol plus i will need it to display mpd and spotify thanks for your help
Try https://github.com/dhrone/pydPiper to control LCD by python
I did see that and i cant seem to get it to work? Have you used this guide?
I used this guide but I forgot to little modification in this link https://github.com/dhrone/pydPiper/issues/63#issuecomment-487891388
may be this is your problem.
Or more describe your problem.
Still didn’t work i get a error message saying bad message? And the print out is missing ‘=’ dont get it?