Tried posting my problem under “Bug reports” couple weeks ago, but nothing has come off it.
I have tried versions 2.041 / 2.118 / 2.129 with same result, although 2.129 seems to crash faster.
Same problem, I can switch between a couple web radio stations (i use the “clear and play” function) and suddenly the UI freezes and no webradio can play.
In this situation i can start airplay from my phone and this works or reboot.
My configuration:
Kali reclocker
Allo Piano DAC
I have tried removing first the Kali reclocker but with the same problem and second the Piano DAC - STILL SAME PROBLEM
Any solutions - suggestions ??
Forgot to mention
I also have the PI display connected, but tried all the above mentioned Volumio versions with and without the display plugin.
I am unable to reproduce this effect unless possibly it takes a lot of changes for it to occur.
If you can ssh into your RPi, then run ‘sudo journalctl -f’. Do your station changes until the problem occurs, and then check the output of your terminal/putty session for errors.
I tried opening SSH and trying to reproduce the error.
It seems to work better when SSH is open and running the “sudo journalctl -f” command, might be due to that you are able to see what happens.
I was able to switch between several stations without any problems.
But… if you look in SSH and push “clear and play” and follow with a push on play to soon i can get it to stop working.
“clear and play” is running 4-8 lines of code and hitting play before all code has been executed the music will not start.
This is output from journalctl -f, where i forced the problem in the end.
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657308] parsing response...
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657311] parsing response...
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657314] ControllerMpd::parseState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657315] ControllerMpd::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657317] CoreStateMachine::syncState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657318] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: STATE SERVICE {"status":"stop","position":null,"see
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CURRENT POSITION 0
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657320] CoreStateMachine::syncState state
Service stop
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657321] CoreStateMachine::syncState curre
ntStatus stop
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657336] CoreStateMachine::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657337] CoreStateMachine::getState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscover
y , saveDeviceInfo
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657341] interfaceApi::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657342] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657373] No code
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657375] CoreStateMachine::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657376] CoreStateMachine::getState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscover
y , saveDeviceInfo
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657382] interfaceApi::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657383] InterfaceWebUI::pushState
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657415] ------------------------------ 165m
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"mpd","uri":"http://d
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"mpd","uri":"http://d
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CALLMETHOD: audio_interface upnp stopUpnpPlayback [
object Object]
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: upnp , stopUpnp
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: Stopping playback through UPNP
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: Stopping service currently in playback since Volumi
o is in Consume mode
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioStop
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657449] CoreStateMachine::stop
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657450] CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateS
ervice undefined
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: UNSET VOLATILE
Apr 21 18:00:57 volumio volumio[879]: info: [1492797657451] CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateS
ervice undefined
Apr 21 18:00:58 volumio volumio[523]: :2:src/mpdcli.cxx:146::song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_pos(
M_CONN, (unsigned int)pos) failed: Bad song index
Apr 21 18:00:58 volumio volumio[523]: :2:src/mpdcli.cxx:149::song = mpd_run_get_queue_song_pos(
M_CONN, (unsigned int)pos) server error: 2
Apr 21 18:00:59 volumio mpd[570]: client: [2] opened from ::ffff:
Apr 21 18:00:59 volumio mpd[570]: client: [0] closed