Hi to all,
The Volumio local desktop is started in chromium in kiosk mode. Does anyone know how to size the chromium window, so I can start an additional application alongside?
Hi to all,
The Volumio local desktop is started in chromium in kiosk mode. Does anyone know how to size the chromium window, so I can start an additional application alongside?
It would be helpful if we knew what hardware your using and what version of volumio you have installed.
I’ll assume you have a RasPi, therefore what you are seeing isn’t chromium in kiosk mode, it’s the command prompt as Volumio is a headless system and is not expecting to be connected to a monitor, therefore it doesn’t have a GUI
Also Volumio is a cut down version of linux, so probably won’t have the ability to run any other software along side it
I have Volumio V3.054 on Rpi 3b with Touch display plugin for V3
Volumiokiosk.sh starts an Openbox-session for Chromium-browser in kiosk-mode.
The problem with Chromium in kiosk-mode however - as far as I know - is that it always starts fullscreen. Kiosk-mode overrides all other sizing settings
Do you know a way to reduce the Chromium-browser to 850 in height?