Hello, fellows. First of all, I must say that I’m not a Linux guy. Also, I know very little on electronics. I am in fact a biologist with some degree of soldering skills. I can, of course, follow recipes and this is what I did.
Sometime a go, I discovered that I could use a very simple computer, a RPi, to fuel my DAC/amp combo with files stored in a NAS. Cool! So I bougth a RPi 2 B and managed to get it working (not without some pain) with my Modi/Magni combo. The result was so interesting that I decided to build another Volumio box, this time to feed a microsystem. For this one I bougth a RPi A+ with an USB wi-fi dongle and no DAC for start. It worked, but I was annoyed for the lack of a DAC. Due to the actual Brazilian customs and cambial scenario, I decided not to buy a DAC, but build a very simple one. I choose the TI TDA1543A due to the very few accessory components needed to get it running. I scavenged another DAC schematics for a power source and built the TDA1543A DAC in a protoboard. When I plugged it in the i2s output of the RPi, I got no sound. After poking a little in the Volumio via SSH and WebUI, I finally got some noise, with the music faintly heard in the background . In the process, I have edited the /etc/modules, /etc/modprobe.d, /etc/raspi-blacklist.conf and /etc/asound.conf. As the system is today, with the i2s Hifiberry and sndrpihifiberry output selected, when I type asound -l, the system answers that isn’t any soundcards connected.
As an attempt to determine if the DAC was truly working, I plugged it in an old Philips CD player that helpfully used the same DAC chip and it worked flawlessly.
Obviously I have done something wrong in the process. My hunch is that is something in the Linux configuration, but I am too green to find the error.
Here some photos from the DAC.
Raspberry Pi A+, wi-fi dongle and microSD card.
DAC in protoboard. In this picture there is a wrong connection. The output caps are connected directly in the 1Ks resistors. The resistors must bleed to ground and the caps must be connected to the pins 6 and 8 of the TDA1543A. This mistake was corrected.
Using the CD player as transport to feed the DAC.
Worked flawlessly.
DAC connected to RPi. Just noise.
Can someone help me to debug this thing?
Crawling Chaos