Help, I can not access 8000 (MPD)

volumio is installed on a new Raspberry Pi 4 and its IP address is
I’m trying to hear through another computer on the same network
I did:

sudo nano /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl

And I wrote it down at the bottom of the file:

audio_output {
     type "httpd"
     name "My HTTP Stream"
     encoder "vorbis" # optional: vorbis or lame
     port "8000"
     #quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
     bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
     format "44100: 16: 1"

I did a sudo reboot
And I can not log in to 8000 on windows 10 laptop

What am I doing wrong? please help me

Like to try this myself !
See what the geeks says :smile:

did you try this?

No no , just read your threads
Like to have some kind of central streamer and pickup streams in my other players
Have only done some test from my Pc with “Stream what you hear”

Sometimes it happens!
Like when a Noob wanders in totally unknown territorium and finds the watering hole :smile:

Edit: /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl

Added this

audio_output {
type “httpd”
name “MySK3Stream”
#encoder “vorbis” # optional: vorbis or lame
port “8000”
#quality “5.0” # do not define if bitrate is defined
#bitrate “128” # do not define if quality is defined
format “44100:16:1”

Reboot and pickup the stream with HTTP://

Definitely not synced !
Spotify don’t work !
But works nicely with webradio and local music

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This is the spirit of our community that brought me here as well! :slight_smile:

Spotify/Spotify Connect will not work unfortunately as they don’t use mpd but their own custom daemons.

Hello all,

sorry to resurrect thi topic, but im really struggling to make web radio to work. This lines added actually works, but it stops after a song, and it picks up again after manually browser refresh, to stop again after song is ended.
Is there any other, updated, way how to play own web radio via IP:8000 for Volumio now?

systemversion 3.512 hardware RPI3 B+ revision1,3

any help is much appreciated. Thanks

Edit: It looks that it picks up next song on Chrome,… Firefox does not,… its good enough now. I cant add URL to Winamp thou. Still cant figure out how to show Artist - Album - Song information on web.

Aint it easier to connect to Volumio via the web GUI and select “Play Here”, And avoid messing arround with the config files?

Hey thanks for response. It is easier to mess with config files than that for obvious reasons.

Thank you for suggestion, but that will not do, since i need to enable it forWinamp url also.