Help getting going with volume

I’m trying to set up Volume on a Raspberry pi4 connected to a Waveshare 7.9 dsi.

Using the Raspberry image I can flash to an SD card install it and then insert it into the raspberry. It takes me through the login pages. I connect the Volume to the WiFi using the hotspot, but the whole time my WebUI is, which means I can’t then access via SSH to load the plugins. I have tried creating the image on a Mac and a Windows PC, bought a new SD card, but I still end up in the same place - a WebUI that states Does anyone know how I fix this?

Thanks for your help and I have a feeling a lot more questions are going to arise!!

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The hotspot is just to allow initial setup.
Follow the steps here:

Then, once it’s working on your network (wi-fi or lan) you’ll be able to connect to it via it’s IP address or volumio.local (depending on what you named it).