Hello from Western Siberia, Russia

Very interesting project Volumio. Installed on Raspberry pi3. There are mistakes. Where should they report?

Hi & welcome to Volumio :slight_smile:. Whereabouts in Western Siberia are you?

You can post bug reports in the appropriate forum here, or probably better for keeping track of the bugs, on the Github site.

I live in Tomsk city :wink:

I spent a couple of weeks in Novosibirsk a long time a go at the Akademgorodok. Beautiful scenary & beautiful people. All the best to you :smiley:

It’s not far. I have been there many times!
What time of year were you here?

Summer, but I would have liked to have tried winter too… those 40cm double glazing panels must say something :wink:

Welcome! :slight_smile:
We have more than 60 centimeters of snow in winter) and temperature - 40 below zero on celsius) :smiley: