Volumio Information
Volumio Version: v
Hardware: Raspberry Pi4 2Gb Ram
DAC: Mcintosh MA8900
Is it possible to connect the raspberry with the TV to see what is playing? I connected the HDMI output to the TV but nothing happens. Thanks
Volumio Version: v
Hardware: Raspberry Pi4 2Gb Ram
DAC: Mcintosh MA8900
Is it possible to connect the raspberry with the TV to see what is playing? I connected the HDMI output to the TV but nothing happens. Thanks
Yes, it’s possible. Connect the TV to HDMI0 and install the Touch Display plugin.
the Touch Display plugin works to enable the controller for the original Raspberry 7" display. Could it also be fine for tv?
Yes. Maybe some adjustments regarding screen resolution are needed, but even without them you should at least get an image on the TV.
When installing the plugin be patient. It needs to download and install a lot of additional software in the background.
I got it. Thank you very much.
despite having changed the scale setting, however, the image that appears on the TV is greatly enlarged. How can i do to scale the image?
Could you post a picture of how it looks with the scale factor set to 100 on the plugin’s config page?
What is the resolution of the TV? It could also be helpful if you could provide manufaturer and model name/number of the TV.
Gvolt, now I’m traveling and I will be back home on Wednesday. I’ll send you a picture and the references of the television.
Tanks a lot.
Hi Gvolt,
last week I finally solved and found the right configuration. The TV reproduced the screen perfectly. A couple of days ago I upgraded to version 3 and now nothing works anymore. I’m going crazy.
What was that working configuration and did you reapply it to Volumio 3?
Does this mean that you upgraded a Volumio 2 system or that you started with a fresh Volumio 3 installation?