HDMI connected TV

I would like to use mu Volumio RPi 4B connected to a TV via the RPi HDMI port. I believe TV will become a monitor, and upon starting up it will display the Volumio interface. I consider setting up the same HDMI Out port for Playback as output device. Am i correct here in my assumptions? Will it send the video and audio correctly?
The TV is connected on the backbone to a SONY soundbase with surround, similar as I am using it for the Playstation.

Solved myself. Need to install touchscreen plugin

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I have installed the plugin “Touch Display” and connected my TV via HDMI. In fact after this my tv displayed Volumio, but only for a couple of minutes. After this it switched to a blank screen :-/

This might be the screensaver which invokes after 120 seconds by default. You may have a look at the screensaver settings on the configuration page of the plugin to adjust the screensaver time to another value. Setting it to 0 disables the screensaver.

Happened To me as well and the poster above - gvolt - gave the winning answer.

Hi sir mind me to ask you, how did you play your volumio on tv screen via hdmi ports.