Handling of non-album tracks/single files in library

I have a music collection with ~600 albums, several EPs and singles, and around 6000 individual songs/tracks. Just importing this collection in Volumio results in a library with an “Albums” category that has several thousand entries, most of them not actually full albums but just one or two tracks from the listed album, which makes that category pretty much useless.

What I’d like to achieve is some way to have the “Albums” category only contain entries that are actually a complete album (and by extension, I’d love custom extra categories for EPs, compilations, soundtracks, but let’s not get distracted :smile:).

Things I’ve tried or considered so far:

  • Putting an .mpdignore file in the “tracks” directory: I still want those files to show up in search, so that doesn’t work.
  • Setting the album artist tag to “Various”, and clearing the album title: That’s probably the best I can come up with, but I really don’t want to throw away the album title information on the single tracks.

Are there any other options or ideas? Maybe some custom mpd configuration? Some other “magic” tag field I could set to make mpd not treat a file as part of an album?

I can of course ignore the album list entirely and just rely on my established folder hierarchy, but that’s always two extra clicks/taps, and I still get pointless “album” results in search. To be fair, pretty much every other music player with any sort of library concept struggles with this (which always makes me wonder – is this type of collection really that uncommon? :thinking:).

I use mp3tags to help organise the tag data, including album name. It might help some of your issues.

I just put singles in their own folder under the artist, but add (Single) to the folder name and album tag.

\Floodlights\Nullarbor (Single)\nullarbor.flac

Good idea. I tend to make an album called Singles for an artist, but that’s not very satisfactory as the cover is then all the same.

That way, the album list will still contain an entry for every single track though (which is what I’d like to avoid). Granted, at least it’s clear from the “(Single)” suffix that it’s not actually an album, but that feels like a crude workaround – and I’d be sacrificing the album title tags for it (by changing them to something that’s technically not the correct album title)…

Maybe a hybrid then. If an artist only has one or two singles, use @pwstereo 's suggestion, otherwise group them into an album called, for example, artistnameSingles. Either way it’s a workaround.

A workaround indeed. I don’t have a lot of singles, so it works OK for me.