[Guide] List of I2S DACs for Raspberry Pi

I’m pleased to announce the new I2S Digital AMP for use with the RaspberryPi - The IQaudIO Pi-DigiAMP+

The Pi-DigiAMP+ builds upon our awesome Pi-DAC+ and Pi-AMP+ products, and using the latest TI devices delivers the first Full-HD audio capable solution for the Raspberry Pi to HAT specification (EEPROM). All at a great cost saving over the previous separate Pi-DAC+ and Pi-AMP+ solution.


Full-HD 192/24b with 2x20w with 15v DC supply

Uses standard IQaudIO Pi-DAC drivers and GPIO22 mute.

Available now on tindie.com and via our international distributors.

Just add speakers!

The Pi-DigiAMP+ can be seen in the attached pictures within a HiFi project case using external power supply and rotary encoder for volume. This was demo’d at this month’s CamJam driving our favourite QAcoustics 2010i speakers.

The Pi-DigiAMP+ is not only suitable as a complete streaming HiFi solution but for in ceiling / behind wall speaker installations, retro radio rebuilds, in-car, boombox builds, kiosk etc.


At the same time we have re-released the IQaudIO Pi-DAC+, still with the brilliant audio and build quality, but now with IR sensor and rotary encoder headers. The IR sensor header is designed to take a standard Vishay tsop IR sensor.


Please email info@iqaudio.com for more information

Very best regards,

Founder IQaudIO Limited