I’m not sure why the starting Guide for this board is so hard. It is simple.

  1. Download Volumio
  2. Format your SD card. You should just be able to right-click in Windows and chose Format.
  3. Burn volumio on the SD card using a pc or a device that can hold the SD card.
    Download This program balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives
    Download the Volumio Download |Get Started | Volumio
  4. Open the Etcher program and choose the Volumio, burn to the SD card in your PC.
  5. Once, done, insert the card in the RP.
  6. Assemble the PI and Sabre ES9030Q2M - they match with soundcard on top. No soldering.
  7. Attach the power for the Rasberry pi
  8. Let it start and wait 2 min
  9. Open your Wifi - find Volumio - it will ask for your WIFI password
  10. Let it restart and go online
  11. Open http://volumio.local - in a browser - make sure you are on the same WiFi.
  12. Follow the guide. Make sure you pick AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9028Q2M
    Yes, that is ES9028 - there is no 9038, at least as of start 2021. Volumio team has confirmed.

Spotify, I have installed both Plugins to get full access. One for connecting the Spotify and Spotify Connect2 for being able to control via your phone.

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