OK success running the evrouter program with the Griffin Powermate on a rpi2 (no I2C DAC card) on a Raspbian GIU install.
Questions about the Powermate rpi2 driver and issues that X seemed not to recognize the Powermate as a HID were not answered. I thought possibly even IF I had the permissions all setup correctly for the Powermate, udev and X the Powermate may not be recognized by X as it may not be in its database of HID. Or said another way possibly X does not have the Powermate in its list of input devices it recognizes (if that is even an issue). Of course having the Powermate recognized by X is required for using either the xbindkeys or xinput --query-states script approaches.
Therefore I installed evrouter on a rpi2 with standard Raspbian that boots to GUI. Then I ran evrouter in debug mode to get output of Powermate control characters. Worked perfectly showing what control characters the Powermate outputs for each turn or knob press.
Then I created /etc/udev/rules.d/powermate.rules with the following content:
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{idVendor}=="077d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0410", SYMLINK+="powermate", MODE="660", GROUP="video"
Made sure user pi was a member of the video group. (The setup for udev rules will be made better later on, but this works.)
Then I created evrouterrc config file with shell commands linked to Powermate output. Powermate button push does “reboot”, turn knob right does “echo Volume UP” and turn volume left does “echo Volume DOWN”. Then I open terminal in GUI and run the following command:
sudo evrouter -c /etc/evrouterrc /dev/input/event3
and the Powermate does what it is supposed to do. Push knowb down and rpi2 reboots. Turn knob and you see Volume UP and Volume DOWN repeated on the terminal window many times !
Don’t have evrouter running automatically on a boot yet and will setup /dev to a defined device powermate (so the command sudo evrouter -c /etc/evrouterrc /dev/powermate will work) so evrouter is not tied to a specific event# as it is now.
Now the question is can I install evrouter on Volumio 1.55 and get it to run without breaking Volumio 1.55?
This is how I got evrouter to install on vanilla Raspbian boot into GUI.
sudo apt-get install update
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libX11-dev
sudo apt-get install libXtst-dev
mkdir git
cd git
git clone git://github.com/larsmagne/evrouter.git
cd evrouter
sudo make check
sudo make install
Run this command to see if evrouter will run
evrouter --help
Also this was done on top of the current Raspbian GUI boot (2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie image) which has many more modules installed (X org eg.) then Volumio 1.55.
Now I need Volumio gurus to provide knowledge if I could ever get evrouter to run on Volumio 1.55 without breaking it and how to do that.
All input is welcome.