Greetings from the US western high plains

Hello. I set up a Raspberry Pi 3 with an InnoMaker DAC hat a couple years back, but it just collected dust. I returned to it a couple weeks ago, after getting some experience with Home Assistant and setting up a couple tablets for home controls. I’m mostly interested in Volumio for the multi-room configurations and have three players set up so far, with plans for two more, but, particularly with Tidal connectivity, I’m not finding it to be quite as reliable as I would like. And a few other bugs here and there are driving me crazy.

When I try to group devices, the player I’m after might show up, but it might not, and if it’s visible, it might try to add it and fail. If this happens, I usually have to restart all devices to get things working again.

If I play local content located on a USB drive, it will usually play just fine, but if I try to use the Tidal plug-in, it will often play just a few songs, then stop for no apparent reason. If I use the Tidal app on my Windows 11 computer, and look for the Volumio devices, which usually show up as Tidal Connect devices, they don’t always appear, and if they don’t, reboot devices. Today, I had everything working and went upstairs to find that one of my devices had dropped from the group. Rebooting that single device did not solve the issue. I had to reboot the device where grouping took place.

The last issue I’ve seen lately is the text labels on some items. Instead of getting clean text for “Play here”, “Grouping”, “Cast”, etc, I’m seeing the following, and a reboot doesn’t fix it.




This can be resolved by refreshing the page in your browser (press F5). These are placeholders for translation of the labels.
This can happen when the CPU is running high in it’s resources and the webpage is accessed before the rPi (Volumio) is finished loading.