Hello , I have used Volumio2 on Raspberry Pi3 with USB DAC and volumio2 on x86 on note PC(hp6710b).
Now I am switching to Volumio2 (2.246) on Raspi3 from 2 days before.
Its sound quality is apparently improved but there is new problem.
(1) I have used NetGear ReadyNAS 102 with mirror(RAID 1) with 4TB x 2 HDD as network storage
which is delivering data with LAN (wired mainly).
(2) NAS mounting is using NFS (//NAS.local/data/Music) mount. It seemed OK for 1 or 2 hours.
In that NAS drive I have almost 5000+ albums and 59000 tunes of 3TB.
The music data is stored as *.wav , *.m4a(alac) , *.flac files on NAS.
(3) When I had used volumio2 (2.1xx) I can see whole tunes are indexed on volumio2 music data base.
(4) Strange problem :
root@volumio:/home/volumio# grep max /etc/mpd.conf
max_connections “20”
max_playlist_length “32384”
max_command_list_size “8192”
max_output_buffer_size “16384”
root@volumio:/home/volumio# mpc clear
Updating DB (#1) …
volume: n/a repeat: off random: off single: off consume: off
root@volumio:/home/volumio# mpc ls
root@volumio:/home/volumio# mpc ls | mpc add
error adding NAS: Playlist is too large
root@volumio:/home/volumio# mpc playlist | wc -l
This showed mpd standard database seemed to load 32384 tunes (or more)
But WebUI of volumio2 page showed below even it is still updating on My Music (NAS).
How can I register my whole data on volumio2(2.246) database?
Or there is know bugs for this?