Got Chromecast playback working

An update… I got it working again but only using a beta Raspian Buster image for Volumio.

So you would need to install the latest Pi image from here:
Volumio Debian Buster Beta - Raspi images debugging and then, reinstall volumio2chromecast based on the updated instructions here… Mileage will vary on well this images works and just FYI it has none of the premium services in case you use any.

I will try to get a UI plugin working at some point to let that Chromecast selection be better integrated. But I’m not going to pursue getting all this working via NodeJS. Someone a lot more node-experienced than me would be a better bet.

To be honest, the problem here is Volumio using an ancient Jesse base stack for the product. Thats from 2015. That’s too old and the Python version fell out of support as have various dependencies.

I tried all kinds of tricks to recompile a later python and some related underlying libraries but it was not getting me anywhere. So the beta image seemed the only alternative.

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