Goodbye (Volume increase problem that hangs)

Hello everyone,
I have a problem with updated volumio v2 using the android apk and with à browser.
When I want to change the volume by increasing with the physical button of the Android device, the maximum volume never exceeds 40 when we choose 2 in volume adjustment increment, 18 when we choose 1 in increment and 80 when we choose 4?
This is a concern because the volume management does not work properly.
For information, the type of curve is natural and I have no problem with the linear option but the volume remains much too low.
Could you help me ?
Thank you in advance.

Volumio Information

Volumio Version:2.882
Hardware: android 10 and Android 7
DAC: audiophonics I-sabre ES9028Q2M

I come back to my problem. Am I the only one with this problem !?
If someone from the team could help me? Because I can not use volumio correctly while with a third party apk like bubbleupnp or other no problem.
Thank you in advance for your reply

Nobody ?

OK as I cannot get an answer to my problem, as with MoOde it works perfectly whether it is the use of the volume, the addition of a quick playlist but especially on the MoOde forum, we give answers to the questions that we ask that here even when we pay our subscription, we have no consideration, I will not use volumio in the future.

Hi, this issue is caused by a combination of factors, but ultimately is a rounding error of alsa for your particular DAC model.
Basically, this is what happens:

  • If you set a particular volume (like 21) alsa reports 20 (rounding error)
  • From there you cannot use the + buttons anymore, but you shall set an higher volume amount.

The only solution to this is to use software volume mixer. Sorry about that

Merci beaucoup pour la réponse.
Cela veut dire qu’il n’y a pas de solution possible même avec une mise à jour de votre part ?
Car quand j’utilise bubleupnp, je n’ai pas du tout ce problème tout comme quand j’utilise MoOde ou PiCorePlayer !

Par contre, il est dommage de ne pas avoir eu de réponse après avoir écrit ce post (j’en avais même fait un autre il y a quelques mois également sans réponse) sauf quand je rajoute ce “au revoir” dans le titre !

google translated :

Thank you very much for the reply.
Does that mean that there is no possible solution even with an update from you?
Because when I use bubleupnp, I don’t have this problem at all just like when I use MoOde or PiCorePlayer!

On the other hand, it is a shame not to have had a response after writing this post (I even did another a few months ago also without a response) except when I add this “goodbye” in the title!

There are so many requests here so it’s hard to catch them all… The fact that you said goodbye is not relevant.

We are aware of this issue but the way volume control is designed in Volumio, prevents us to fix it.
Our volume control is designed this way:

  • When we set the volume, we ask alsa to report back the volume
  • If the volume reported from alsa is different, this is what you get back

The other solutions you mentioned, just set the volume and “assume” that this is what the device is on (set and forget). We don’t like this approach because it is not transparent to the user.