good morning from Germany

Hi everybody,

my name is Robert and I’m talking from Vellmar in the middle of Germany.

My Raspberry Pi 3B is running Volumio and feeding an NAD C510 which is connected to a TrendsAudio TA-10.2 Tripath amplifier and a speaker system from Dali Zensor and subwoofer.

Currently I’m trying to get Volumio running on a mini-PC from Trekstor W3 (x64, Intel Atom). Volumio is not recognizing the Intel SST sound chip. But I’m sure with a little help from the forum it will be running shortly. :slight_smile:

At the moment it’s snowing here and I’m listening to Kate Bush “50 Words For Snow” . :sunglasses:

Good luck and cari saluti!

Hi Robert, welcome to Volumio. :slight_smile: Envious of the snow, just rain here as usual in the UK (my part at least).

Regarding your problem with the sound chip, make a fresh post in the help section with as much information as you can provide us with.


thanks for the warm welcome here!
I’m in contact with gkkpch and will post a fresh help request with all my so far won knowledge next weekend.

OT: Have been to London many times during the past 10 years - always nice photo weather conditions - never had snow there even during winter seasons. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kind regards, Robert