Hi all,
I was super excited when I found I was able to play my Jazz Radio subscription through my volumio. For me, it means a consolidation of devices. So far, it all works nicely. I can add either the playlist URL or the non-playlist URL (i.e.https://listen.jazzradio.com/premium/mellowpianojazz.pls?listen_key=… or http://prem1.jazzradio.com:80/mellowpianojazz_aac?.… but I prefer the former as it’s https and that’s just a good habit to get in).
However, I’m wondering if it’s possible to display the album artwork as well. So far, I get the tune playing, and information about the song title and artist to display, but no album art like I have when I access it through the official app or via the web.
Has anyone got album art to work with a JazzRadio.com subscription?
I’m on Volumio 2.907 on an RPI 3B
Thanks in advance