FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Thank you.
I have a request:
Should it be possible in the next release to expand the graphic equalizer up to 32 steps, maybe with the possibility of graphically handling the Q, without having to get into the too much complicated (for me) Camilla UI?
It should really a big plus, to me.
Thanks in advance

Itā€™s doable. Variable Q is ready in the plugin, but not activeā€¦
What is the advantage of 32 bands? Using parametric allows to choose exactly frequencies you want.

If it is doable, Iā€™ll be grateful till the end of timesā€¦
About the parametricā€¦
forgive me ma Iā€™m not good at itā€¦ at allā€¦

Hi everyone
Can I use 2 dacs of the same brand to make an active crossover?

Hi Balbuze,

Awesome work on FusionDSP, itā€™s really nice. Iā€™m currently diving pretty deep into Loudness compensation and would like to contribute to lifting it to the next level.

Iā€™ve compared the Loudness filter from the Fusion DSP source code to the normalised Equal Loudness Contours (ISO 226:2003) (aka Fletcher Munson curves) using some python code and some Excel sheets. I think the shape of the applied EQ is good, however I do think we could make substantial improvements to the Loudnessgain, which scales the Loudness filters as the digital volume changes.

I would like to eventually offer to update the documentation on Loudness or write up a guide elsewhere. This might help other users set up loudness correctly without hours of measurements and modeling - which, admittedly, I enoy, but letā€™s strive for ease of use and I also enjoy sharing those experiences afterwards. Because boy, does properly implemented loudness seem to make a difference.

Anyhow, with the current implementation, I could already write a guide that I think could help people, but the end result would still be a bit tedious and entail some compromises.

Therefore, I would have some ideas for improving the source code to ultimately make the loudness work better and be easier to set up properly.

This is the first time Iā€™m diving into the world of open-source development, so I figured Iā€™d ask if my contributions would be welcome before putting in much more time. Should I proceed to make some changes in a fork and do a pull request once everything works? Or is there another way to go about this?

Also, I would have some technical questions for you, should I write them here or is there another more suitable place for that?

Cheers, Luc

Hello Luc,
Thanks a lot for your comments.
As FusionDsp is open source, you can can send a PR on GitHub. But itā€™s better we first discuss about your idea. And if needed, I could integrate your code or mine doing your idea. You can expose here or in a GitHub issue. In that case use GitHub - volumio/volumio-plugins-sources: Volumio plugins source code for Volumio 3
And fork it to work.
Feel free to contact me!

Alright I have created a Github issue: https://github.com/volumio/volumio-plugins-sources/issues/362. No rush to look at it, I just thought Iā€™d mention it here since my guess is you wouldnā€™t get a notification of a new issue on Github.


Yes I saw your long and detailed post! I read and re-read to follow :wink:
Iā€™ll answer you.
Thanks for your time.

I know that you can use the Camilla GUI option in FusionDSP to control more than 2 channels (e.g. for 2.1 or 2.2 setups). Is it still possible to use the loudness function in a multi-channel setup?

Searched all over the place but couldnā€™t find the answer on the following: does the loudness feature only work while playing local files or does it also work when using Tidal Connect?

Love the ā€œnewā€ sound with special thanks to HouseCurve and the Jan Meier Crossover function. (Linton 85th, 2xTopping D90 discrete, Chord Hugo 2)

yes, FusionDsp works with all sources in Volumio. :wink:

Didnā€™t notice any difference, what do you suggest as the best setting?

there is no best settingā€¦ Toogle with enable/disable effect in the hub or in the plugin

Ow yeah that i definitely done :slight_smile: I was referring to the Loudness function onlyā€¦

Same for loudness, but : the effect decreases when volume increases and reaches zero at threshold value.

I think I figured out why Iā€™m not noticing any effect and that is because the volume of Volumio is set on 100%. Iā€™m managing the volume on my preamp.

Finally, Iā€™m switching from my Hifiberry DAC + ADC Pro to a Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 3d Gen. Mainly because the ADC part (Turntable In) doesnā€™t work anymore and I donā€™t know why. But the multichannel out of the Scarlett is also very tempting to integrate the sub (or maybe two subs in the future) properly. As fusionDSP doesnā€™t support multichannel natively, Iā€™ll have to dive into CamillaDSP a bit, but I think I can manage it.

As I have no experience with audio interfaces, I have a few questions:

  • Do I need to set anything up in the Focusrite Control software first, or can I just plug it into my Raspi and start doing the CamillaDSP stuff (DSP, routing, etcā€¦)?
  • If I switch to the CamillaDSP GUI in fusionDSP and ā€œfetchā€ my current DSP setup in CamillaDSP, can I work from there? mainly because of the loudness compensation, which I would really like to transfer to my CamillaDSP setupā€¦

IĀ“m really really looking forward to (hopefully) stepping up the game!

The way to go is to set all what you need in FusionDsp then switch to pure Camilla gui and fetch from DSP. Then add things for your sub
Loudness in FusionDsp is dynamic. The effect changes with volume changes. You canā€™t keep this behaviour using pure Camilla gui

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Great to hear that I can pre-configure my setup with FusionDSP!
Not so great to hear that loudness does not workā€¦ :slightly_frowning_face:
I thought it would work because I tried the fetch button and there were some loudness related filters in the listā€¦

THIS does not work?

You see loudness filters but as I explained, the values wonā€™t change when volume change if you are in pure Camilla gui.
Volume settings in Camilladsp is not used in volumio . And the loudness in FusionDsp is much more complex than the one in Camilladsp.

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