Hi, I upgraded to v1.0.28 and then 1.0.29, and in both case had an issue with the auto-preamp option: when set “on”, sound would stop, and re-start when “off”. Had to manually attenuate to avoid clipping.
Hi, I upgraded to v1.0.28 and then 1.0.29, and in both case had an issue with the auto-preamp option: when set “on”, sound would stop, and re-start when “off”. Had to manually attenuate to avoid clipping.
Do you update from an earlier version (<1.0.23)?
What is the mode used (peq, conv)?
I did update from the inmediate previous version, but as auto-preamp didn’t work, I did an uninstall/reinstall of the plugin.
I use it in parametric eq mode, with over 30 filters defined. With auto-preamp off, it works very well.
Damn!!! you’re right!
Something is wrong with auto preamp!
Sorry for that. I need to investigate…
Edit : I found the issue… Tomorrow for a fix
Great! Thanks!
FusionDsp v1.0.30 stable
After using youtube cast the player stops playing sound. When I play content it is not playing any sound to dac device (teac). No content is playing anymore. I am going to try factory reset other whise I have to reinstall very strange behavior:
I see you also have Fusion DSP installed, it’s possible that Cast does not work well with those.
Does disabling Youtube cast bring back sound?
Did not try that I did factory reset. Yes you could be right it is on the dsp plugin. I am going to start the plugins and not fusion dsp. If cast keeps responding, that combi was the problem.
I am going to try your suggestion @volumio.
Can confirm casting does not work with fusion dsp. But now the connection was disconnected properly so sound was back after stopping casting.
And your on the latest version of Fusion DSP, V1.0.30?
If so I will move this to the correct topic.
yes 1.0.30
I tested Youcast reciver v0.1.2 plugin with FusionDsp v1.0.30 and it just works for me… Why it shouldn’t ?
I tested it again with version youcast v0.1.2 and fusion v1.030 this did not work.
I changed the port setting to 8095 and now it works fine.
Thanks for reporting
I originally posted this in the Plugins forum but re-posting here so more people will see it.
Using REW, I created a set of parametric EQ filters to deal with some acoustic issues in my room. I recreated them in the FusionDSP plugin in Volumio for my Raspberry Pi 4.
I have noticed that when using Spotify, the sound is different when playing through a DAC connected to my PC (filters set up in Equalizer APO) versus playing from the PC to Volumio when the Raspberry Pi 4 is connected to the same DAC.
The combination of Raspberry Pi 4 and Volumio definitely has more treble to the sound. It’s clearly noticeable on sounds with higher frequencies e.g. cymbals which are more forward with Volumio.
I have double checked the EQ settings between Equalizer APO and FusionDSP. They seem identical based on my reading of the GUI e.g. the type of filer, frequency, gain and Q.
The question to the forum is simple. Is it possible that Equalizer APO and FusionDSP can produce a different sound profile with the same parametric EQ settings?
I’m happy to provide more details e.g. versions of Volumio and FusionDSP etc but I really wanted to test the water first if what I’ve noted is plausible or if the problem may lie elsewhere with my setup.
In short everything is possible.
You made 3 major changes in your sound system. So you can’t compare them 1 by 1.
Especially with a PC, there is a ton load of things that can influence the sound.
If you want to do a good comparison, you should only have 1 change.
So in this example you can compare your hardware, run Volumio from the PC.
Make all settings equal and see if the hardware has impact.
The SW you can’t compare as APO won’t run on Volumio
Hopes this answers your water testing?
I have next problem. When using FusionDSP tracks have a hickup in the beginning of each track. When I turn of Fusion problem solved.
I like to use fusion because of the option to ajust balance and distance from speakers.
Other solution. I turned off resampling volumio. And tries with Fusion. Also I turned that off and let do my DAC the converting. Than I can use FusionDSP without any problem. So resampling and dsp together gives problems.
I have an up to date installation of Volumio3. One day I switched on and got no sound which led me to do a factory reset. I then installed the Fusion DSP plugin which seemed to go OK. Then, so I could ssh to Volumio I brought up the /dev/ page if the interface. I enabled the Live Log and started seeing error messages related to FusionDSP.
Started FusionDsp Daemon.
Traceback (most recent call last):
Then from the command line I did
pip install aiohttp
That said there was no module called pip.
Via a web search I then downloaded a file called get-pip.py and ran
volumio@pi2aes:~$ sudo python get-pip.py
[sudo] password for volumio:
ERROR: This script does not work on Python 2.7 The minimum supported Python version is 3.7. Please use https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py instead.
so I downloaded that file and tried again
volumio@pi2aes:~$ sudo python get-pip.py
which ended
Successfully installed pip-20.3.4 setuptools-44.1.1 wheel-0.37.1
I then reran pip install aiohttp which gave
volumio@pi2aes:~$ pip install aiohttp
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at Release process - pip documentation v23.0.dev0 pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality.
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting aiohttp
|################################| 1.1 MB 772 kB/s*
So it seems that aiohttp requires python3 instead of python 2 which Volumio and FusionDSP uses.
Any suggestions for stopping the FusionDSP error messages?
Using v1.0.30 should fix this problem.
What version do you use?