FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Oh… What is this crash? It shouldn’t happen! Even while playing!
Can you please provide log just after it happens?
Thanks a lot. This is very important to improve volumio and or FusionDsp.

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Hi, here is a log : 52d5a2faa455b4bd0c3941dd05922eca . Hope I caught it at the right moment.
I tried another REW filter when I was listening to Radio Paradise, then tried to switch to some music on my NAS to give it a try. The GUI was working but the new music didn’t come up, Play/Pause ineffective. I tried a soft restart which didn’t cure the problem. I then tried to switch the system OFF from the GUI and it didn’t. Only a hard restart allowed me to recover full functionnality.
I have 4 active plugins : FusionDSP, Radio Paradise, Audiophonics ON/OFF and Touch Display.
Hope this will help.

Please send the html link for the log.

Oups, my bad, I’m learning…

FusionDsp v1.0.28 stable
– Not for armv6l device (RPI0) –

  • Bump to camilladsp v1.0.2!
  • Cosmetic: Camilladsp GUI uses Volumio colors + hidden output section
  • Online help is can now be download and translated
  • New clipping detection for convolution filter
  • Headphones list updated.

Enjoy :wink:


Can you please disable Loudness, reboot and try to reproduce the issue before sending log?
What value you set cause the issue? Very important to know it.

Hi, just upgraded to 1.0.28 of FusionDsp.

I use Airplay exclusively to listen to my music.

However it does not look like FusionDsp works with Airplay after numerous reboots and hearing the bootup tune there is no sound output.

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you mean no sound?
was is working before update?
can you send log please?

you mean no sound?
No sound at all. I did manage to get it working once, but now there is no sound.

was is working before update?
Yes, but erratic requiring lots of reboots

can you send log please?

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I have the same issue


Last update shouldn’t affect airplay as no change on the alsa pipeline. I’m testing for half an hour with an Iphone 7 with no problem.
Does other sources work as expected?

Thanks for looking into this.

Other sources work as expected.

Would it help if I sent you logs where it does work?

Like I mentioned before the Airplay issue has been around for a while, the only way to fix it is to keep on rebooting until it starts working.

I did one more try before disabling loudness : listening to Radio Paradise (plugin) and switch to music from the NAS without stopping (pause) Radio Paradise. I could choose a song from the NAS but got no sound. Here is the log : http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/wYBhimg.html.
It looks like volumio is loosing the connection to the music data base.

. Loudness level was set to 50%.
I’ll now try disabling loudness.

Same with loudness OFF : http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/NFpA49m.html.
The system recovered after a soft restart.
The loudness came ON again automatically :

. I’m pretty sure I had applied the changes when I switched it OFF before.

Also but different problem, not related to FusionDSP as I get the issue on 2 systems, one without FusionDSP : the album art displayed both on local and remote displays gets often desynchronized compared to the track being played.

Hope this will help improve.

I’ve just upgraded Volumio to the latest 3.381 and tried to install FusionDsp 1.0.28. It says everything installed successfully but when you try to set Pure CamillaDSP gui the connection is refused. The error in the logs that keeps repeating is:

Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio volumio[3217]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio volumio[3217]:   File "/data/plugins/audio_interface/fusiondsp/cgui/main.py", line 4, in <module>
Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio volumio[3217]:     from camilladsp import CamillaConnection
Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio volumio[3217]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'camilladsp'
Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio systemd[1]: fusiondsp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 01 07:36:13 volumio systemd[1]: fusiondsp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

BUT if I install 1.0.25 and then upgrade to 1.0.28 it works just fine. I would send the full log but now it’s useless because everything is working since I went from 1.0.25 to 1.0.28.

I need to investigate… Did you reboot after installing v1.0.28?
Or a package failed to download.

Hello. I did reboot after fresh installing 1.0.28. Then uninstalled and tried again. Same story. No failures that I could see. Then uninstalled again and tried 1.0.25. That worked, but when looking around the data folder I did notice in the lower version the cgui directory was empty (maybe not a surprise to you). Then I hit “update” from the plugins section and it was updated to 1.0.28 and it continued to work. So I’m assuming a fresh 1.0.28 install is somehow missing the camilladsp module install? Would logs from now still help? No idea how far back they go. Here they are anyway: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/a1pDocy.html

I found the issue :upside_down_face: :wink:
I’m going to fix it…
CamillaDsp gui is not installed properly…


Great news! :grinning:

FusionDsp v1.0.29 stable

  • fix Pure Camilla Gui installation (thanks @charliesjc )

Enjoy :wink: