Hi dear volumio friends,
I was wondering for an manual to change the pitch of my rpi 4 musicoutput from 440hz to 430,65hz. The reason that i want to change is that i want match to the Schuman resonance. 440hz uses as basis. /55 = 8hz. The Schuman resonance is around 7,83hz. There are also fans of 432hz, but that brings them at an Schuman resonance of 7,85hz. 7,85hz was used by the monks for gregoriaans singing, because there can be more difficulties in singing than for an digital player consist. Thats the reason that i make a choice for 430,65hz.
I understand that there is an tool named Sox build in volumio. But i dont know how to use is and how to find it. Can anyone help me with my experiment. I would be thankful.
Musical greetz