I have a RPi3 with HiFi Berry DAC running Volumio - all good works and sounds excellent.
Music is stored on a USB attached 1TB 2.5" HDD.
The problem I have is copying files over the network - this works fine if done in chunks of less than 4GB, but fails when trying to copy whole folders (Music 550GB) with 30K total files.
“There is not enough space on usb. You need an additional x.xxGB to copy these files.”
Is this a limitation of RPi3 (my RPi4 doesn’t mind copying whole directories), Linux, SAMBA or something else like RPi RAM size?
Is there any way to get round this problem other than pulling the HDD and attaching to PC directly?
Should I format the HDD as NTFS rather then Fat32 ???
If you can SSH to your Volumio, try “df -h” and if overlay is 100% used then you have maxed out Volumio’s internal filesystem – even though there might be plenty of space left – and will have to reflash Volumio from scratch to fix it.
They way they connect to external devices (/mnt/INTERNAL/ or /mnt/usb/) is mounting the filesystem via overlays and you can’t regain space used by a previous file when adding a new one. Space will only get consumed, not released. They can’t fix it.
That is not quite how it should be, in case there is plenty of space left, you had a faulty system to start with. On first boot, Volumio should extend the data partition to the disk’s full capacity before the overlay is created, if it didn’t, you have an issue.
And this statement is not quite correct either.
I don’t where you get this from, but external disks have nothing to do with the overlay. It is just using a mount point from it.
You can read and write them normally, incl. writing to released disk space.
If you don’t know exactly it how it works, it is sometimes better not to write about it.
The same to me here. I access the USB via a Mac. In the drive info it states that only 112, 32 GB are available, even if it is a 1TB drive. I found out that it is the free space of the Micro SD card. The funny thing is that I can fill the USB drive (1TB) with 100GB at a time and it works. Now my SSD is half full and everything worked correct. It is just the information passed to the Mac that is not correct. Why, I don’t know, but it worked.