Hi users,
I have bought a Hifi Berry DAC from hifiberry.com/dac (I have no relation with them, I’m just a user). Previsouly, I have tried everything to get sound working with a USB DAC, but it never went up to my expectations. Pops, noise, bad quality, etc.
I have learned electronics, and thought I knew how to solder stuff, but due to my aging eyes, I had to use an optic magnifier to solder the Berry connectors. If you are hesitant, you might want to ask someone young with good eyes to do the job, as the spacing is small, and an unwanted pin short-circuit would be quick to do.
Anyway, got mine mounted, and whow, that stuff never pops or noise, just music.
I had to edit /etc/modules like this:
and after a reboot, it worked fine. The hardware mixer doesn’t work (always at 100%) so I switched to software mixer.
Even airplay works without any issue. That was never the case before. Note I’m using cabled ethernet connection, as it is 1m away from my switch.
I can’t judge the sound quality, because I’m not a high-end fan with expensive gear, but my small Edirol studio monitors are doing good with Radio Paradise, and that alone make me happy and code faster
Thanks all for this wonderful hardware and software !