I have a Raspberry Pi Model B with an unbranded chinese I2S DAC board (TI PCM5102A chip). With Volumio 2.163 the UI freezes as soon as I try to set Mixer Type from None to Software, and the playback stops. The underlying system is working, because I’m still able to login via SSH and do some things such as kill node process, restart it, reboot etc.
After the reboot, the Mixer Type is set in fact to Software, but when I try to play something I received a couple of red error notifications (see the attached picture).
I uploaded a dev log to logs.volumio.org/volumio/gW7UFBi.html
I really need Software volume control, because it is the only way I have to change the volume without get out from the couch
Please, note that everything was working fine with Volumio 2.141.
Thanks for all your valuable work!
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Up: same even with version 2.175.
Version 2.141 is okay (so I’m still hooked to 2.141) but, in order to get new features and fixes, I would like to be able to update…