Every 5 seconds a query to youtube

I’m new here (so if I’m not following the right procedure I’m sorry).

I have Volumio running on a Rasberry pi 4 + Allo Boss dac.
The system is running very well.
Recently I installed a plugin for streaming from Youtube.
This also works fine, allthough when I’m not ussing the Youtube streaming Volumio still has every 5 seconds a query to Youtube.
When I disable the plugin this continues.
Even when I remove the plugin the queries continues.
When I restart Volumio the queries to Youtube are over.
Does someone have the same problem and have a solution to this behavior?

@patrickkfkan can you help him with this …

Logs showing the 5-second requests and continuing even plugin was removed would be helpful.

Dear Patrick,
Thank you for your reaction.
I can re-install the plug-in and let you see a log. But before I do I want to confirm I show you the right logs.
From the logs of my pi-hole I see that Volumio has every 5 seconds a query to YouTube. Do you want a printscreen of this ?

I was hoping to see Volumio logs. But if you have pi-hole logs you can PM me a screenshot too.

Dear Patrick,
I have 2 print screens made with pi-hole:

  • one when playing YouTube Music.
    Then you see every 5 seconds a query. On 16:26:04 you see a different query. Maybe for a login.?

  • one after removing the YouTube Music plugin.
    On 16:27h I removed the plugin. You see that the queries continues after this moment.

In between I noticed that I can log into YouTube Music with a code from the plugin.
If I log in then there are less queries (, but also less posibilities to stream music).
Maybe this relates to the question.?

Thanks. Hein

(I got an error when uploading the printscreens. So I will try this in a seperate message.)

This is the poller that checks whether you have signed in using the “Code” in the plugin settings.

The conclusion is that a login in required for this plugin?

No. It’s not required.

Thank you Patrick.
When I have loged in to YouTube Music the queries are less and the functionality is good.
Thanks !