ethtool network tweaks

Useful or useless

Seeing that most everyone will use Volumio over a network to access much and/or Internet radio would it be useful to add some network tweaks in order to help this aspect operate at full efficiency?

Or Maybe Not?


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FYI, pro or con you need to make your opinion be known, including any tests results from trying different things.

This is a great piece of software SPEAK UP and be active, dont let this thing die like so many other Linux based softwares.

what do you mean with network tweaks?

I might misunderstand but ethtool allows users to adjust the settings on their computers Ethernet card

Well apparently Volumio does use a ethernet tweek

I changed the ntu value of 1500 to 9000 to allow Jumbo frames

ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000

More Info here:
Linux Configure Jumbo Frames to Boost Network Performance / Throughput
Jumbo frames can reduce server overhead such as a big decrease in CPU usage when transferring larger file. Also you should see some increase in network throughput. … iguration/