ET3 CD transport with Volumio

Is there anyone here who has experience using the Shanling ET3 CD transport with Volumio? I’ve been using little portable CD players for CD playback and they work fine within their hardware limits. I recently got an ET3 from Shanling hoping for a better experience, but have so far not managed to make it work with any of my volumio devices (x86 mini-PCs running version 3.757). When I connect one of the little portable players and insert a CD I can see the expected stuffreported in the log. When I connect the ET3 to the volumio device (from the USB-out on the back of the ET3 to the USB-in on the volumio device), nothing whatever appears in the log, the CD is not read by volumio and is unavailable for playback – the two devices don’t seem to be communicating at all and volumio is clearly unaware of the resource.

The ET3 is a sophisticated device with many options that I don’t care about; the documentation is, as usual, sparse; so I suspect that there must be some crucial configuration option that I am unaware of. If there is anyone with experiences to share I’d be very grateful to read about them.

Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately it won’t work because the Shanling ET3 only outputs an audio stream on its USB, and it does not operate as a USB mass storage device
which is necessary to be controlled by computer systems (including Volumio). The little portable USB CD drives you had used do in fact operate as USB storage devices and are designed to be used with computers.

The ET3 is a consumer audio CD transport, and its USB output is intended to be connected to the USB input of a DAC.

Thank you very much for this clarification - I had no idea that the ET3 differed from the portable players in this way. Disappointing, of course, but I suppose I’ll just use it as a good standalone player. It makes me wonder, though, where the powered CD players or transports are which could be integrated with volumio.