Dual Mono Class D Power Amp project SPG 55x2

Finished my latest amp build. Ive been really taking interest in class D amps as of late. THe quality and Sound per dollar is unrivaled. Not your grandfathers CLass D. This is based on the TPA3255 chipset that Texas Instruments released few years back. I picked up two ZK-3002 board a chinese make that you can configure it stereo or Mono easily and offerst lots of other options. SO Im running Two of the boards each Mono one chanel and two seperate supplies at 48v 6.5 amps all in a nice power amp chassis I gutted. Its my 3-4 amp just on this chipset Ive also done Icepower and Hypex and this guy here is as good.

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I’ve had a single 3255 amp for a few years, based on the Texas Instruments tech evaluation module when it was briefly available at half price (then about UK£70, ~US$80), which is probably the ideal implementation of that chip. Really happy with it just built into a box with a reset switch (and a quiet 120mm fan to be safe).

Of the Chinese boards I like the 3e audio 3255 board best for value and decent supporting components. There are a number of other boards that are probably OK but lack enough supply capacitance for switched mode when the amp is really sucking power, in my opinion.

One stereo configured 3255 (with 50V x 8A) is probably too big for my needs, a mere 200W
theoretical per channel, though it behaves well at ‘low’ volumes and crosstalk isn’t a problem. It can easily double as a big party amp though.

I do think the 3255 is superb value considering how clean and powerful it is. The previous class D generation, eg311x, were super cheap but performance and noise were just OK. These days I’ll take a modern 32xx class D over A or B any day.

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Agree, I have a 3e Audio version as well I run on another room. These guys here have been god thus far though I had to go through a few to find 2 i was most pleased with.

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