DSD out via HDMI on Raspberry Pi 5 (to an Anthem AVM70)

I would need to output my ripped SACD library (DSF files) to my Anthem AVM70 Atmos pre-processor.
I’m using Volumio on a new RPi5 (8GB) connected via HDMI (HDMI 2.0 cable) to the Anthem, that exploits an hi-quality multichannel AKM DAC (and is perfectly able to receive DSD audio from my old Oppo BDP105 via HDMI, using physical SACD disks).
Unfortunately through Volumio HDMI0/1 out my receiver does not receive ANY signal from the RPi (while it works for traditional lossless stereo files in FLAC format).

How to output multi-channel DSF files? (DoP or native is fine)

Note: after purchasing the “huge” Anthem separates (AVM70, MCA525g2), plus the previous Rotel amplifier (that I still use for Atmos high channels), I’ve not anymore space for my good old Oppo105 (removed), so I ripped all my old SACD library in digital, and now I need using Volumio to play these files - at the same Oppo quality - to the AVM70.