DSD files are played in PCM -or- The opposite behavior of the DSD settings

The guy said the problem is even with your own Rivo! What log?? What DAC??

I was responding to @db69b , requesting a log to verify the USB ID of his DAC.

with this information, I can check if his DAC has DSD-direct support with the latest Rivo’s kernel

I also confirmed that it’s not a bug to be corrected, but it depends if the DAC is recognized as DSD-direct capable or not by the OS

It is a bug. You react like a typical Helpdesk, not even READING the description of the issue.

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I tried to read more than once, but I did’t understand what the problem is

could you please describe it like you’re talking to an idiot (me)?

For me…
DSD Direct works as intended
ie. DSD Direct selected in options.
play . dsf file > DSD reported by DAC anything less than 100% volume static sound which is normal.

However …
DoP selected in options
play . dsf file > 176 PCM reported by DAC but complete silence until 100% volume where it now plays, But the DAC now reports DSD

@db69b let’s do it the easy way, no need to get upset.
I’m sure we will get your issue cleared up.
It is not a bug, Volumio treats all usb audio devices the same, it is the audio driver telling Volumio whether it is capable of doing “DSD direct”.

You can help us with two options.

  • Do an lsusb and post the results here
  • Submit a log and post the url here

Either of the two will show the “vendor:product” id, which we can check against the used audio driver sources.
As @Darmur already explained, with the Rivo we can adjust the driver, with the RPi we cannot.
With the Rivo it is not correcting a bug, it is just doing the work which the vendor should have done.
Yours is not the only case, I have seen several, also where the vendor flatly refuses to get its DAC registered in the usb audio drives as “DSD capable”. They don’t care, they only focus on Windows users.

with DSD you must stick to 100% volume, otherwise the bitstream will be converted

with some USB DACs that have HW volume control, you can change the volume, because the stream is always sent at fullscale, then the attenuation is done after the conversion done by the DAC

The reason I’m upset is that you all react like standard helpdesks with ready made answers, not reading or trying to understand the issue !
If when I set DSD play settings to DSD Direct, the Rivo outputs DoP as displayed on my DAC, while when I set the settings to DoP in the drop down list, it outputs DSD Direct, as displayed on my DAC, I don’t know how you qualify such an inversion, but I call this definitively a bug, and this has nothing to do with your standard answer about non compatible DACs.

Yes I realize this which is why I stated its normal.

The problem is with DoP

You start a discussion with people who know where they talk about and trying to help and solve your issue, by solving this on their kernel. Doing the job your DAC manufacturer is lacking to do, as Gé stated very clear.

what you describe is not seen in any other DAC, it is something very specific to the DAC you are using.

if we don’t get some more information, it’s impossible to replicate it, understand the root-cause and eventually fix it.

if you can provide a system log, as requested, it will be very helpful to understand what’s going on

Accusing me of a standard helpdesk answer is an insult, I beg you.
As explained, you are not the first with the issue and I have seen it before and know what needs to be done.

Assuming you are still interested to get the issue cleared, supply the info we asked for.
If not, good luck.

“UD-501 needs a specific quirk (command) to switch between DSD and DoP mode”

The linux driver obviously does not support this and there is nothing Volumio can do about it.

Closing this topic.