Got my Tinker Board a few days ago. Installed Volumio and got it up and running. No sweat! My setup is: NAS+ Tinker Board Built-in WiFi + USB output + USB input from OPPO-BDP105. However, very noticeably, there are drop-out problems. The drop-out duration can be from a fraction of a second to a few seconds. Also, it could be fine and without any drop-outs for a long while.
After some tinkering (no pun intended), I found:
- USB flash SSD stick : OK
- Wired ethernet + NAS : OK
- Built-in WiFi + NAS : intermittent dropouts -> Not OK
I remember, while I played with RPi3b + WiFi + NAS, I had the “click” problem but never the “hole” or “dropout” problem. In Tinker Board WiFi, the music could stop for a fraction of a second up to a few seconds! But I have NOT heard any “clicks” or “pops” in Tinkerboard. This has been very exciting to me. I think if Volumio team fixes the drop-out problem, we could reach some “nirvana” in search of a reasonable music server.
I wonder if there is anything intrinsically different in the Tinker Board version of Volumio in terms of WiFi and buffering comparing to the latest RPi version?
So far, there are a couple of things i found that’s not the same as the latest RPi version:
- I do noticed in latest version for Tinkerboard I was NOT able to turn on SSH by going to Volumio.local/DEV/.
- I tried to plug in a TP-Link external USB dongle but it was not recognized. This dongle was recognized in RPi version.
Any ideas?
P.S. BTW, the quality of the audio jack output is quite good! But I also found if I unplug the power while the jack is connected to the preamp, it causes humming noise in the speakers.