I need help about Volumio room correction DRC.
First, I would like to thank (in advance…) the developpers (@Balbuze): creating an inexpensive solution for room equalization using decoding capabilities of a Rasberry was just brilliant.
I am currently running Volumio DRC on a raspberry 3B and Allodigione ( coax outpout)
Downloading the plugin was piece of cake… However I am unable to get a sound whenever I use the plugin
I would like to make first a quick test without FIR. filter
do I have to set up “allodigione through brutefir” in the settings? (Why the I2S box remains unselected, see question 3?)
Why this bloody AdafruitAdafruitMaxxxx comes in DAC Model?
Why I2S box is turned off after restart?
to make a test is it ok to select “none” for the left and right filters?
What is Dirac filter ?
What is the recommended value for delay and the unit (ms) ?
Is it ok to have the same filter, for left and right? I am using REW+UMIK to create filters
What are the couple of recommeded values for taps (Filter size)/Sampling frequency
My Allodigione is connected to a topping DX3 DAC what is the suitable output format?
I have also downloaded the tools.
- Is it a good idea to use the pink noise generator with REW software? ( I could sell my extra long USB wire ).
- What are the recommended values in the first box advanced settings for the number of taps and the sampling frequency when generating the pink noise?
- same questions with the option: “mesure with Rev <19”? I assume that Volumio generates a noise which covers the full range of frequencies (20-20 kHz) ?
- Can I convert a filter made with REW in a wave file, (using “export impulse response filters as wav” option), and implement it directly in DRC? it would be a great step forward !
- Do you plan to implement DRC as a native option in Volumio? I think it is a must!
Many thanks for the answers