This looks like a very attractive DAC for use with Volumio … if it works! It comes with an IR Remote Control for £16.22 including 10 Day Delivery from AliExpress
search the forum there are some using it…
I didn’t find any answers, only other questions
Hi, I bought this DAC, use it daily and very happy with it. Firstly it is great value for money, es9038q2m chip, remote, and LCD for around $70.
I dont have other DAC hats to compare it to, but I have bought and sold hi-end and vintage audio for many years and have had quite a few decent front ends. I’d say with the help of the progression of technology, it easily beats anything I have had previously, including Linn and Chord.
The level of detail, I think is amazing, good overall balance, no hiss, hum or drop-outs. Lovely.
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Lusya DAC.
I initially bought one of these DAC Hats while waiting for availability of the IQAudIO DAC Pro but was so impressed with the results that I have settled on it for my needs: PCM5122 Raspberry pi B+ 2/3B HIFI DAC + Sound Card Digital Audio Module I2S Interface Special Volumio Music PIR 2B 3|Replacement Parts & Accessories| - AliExpress
A feature of this Hat is that the 5V dc supply taken from the RPi is isolated through a DC to DC converter and smoothed on the Board to supply the DAC and Audio circuits, giving complete isolation of any digital noise or Power rail interference. The resultant sound is very pure and beats any CD Player I have access to.
I was interested on the IQAudIO Pro because it boasted separate dual Clocks but from reviews I have seen, I am unlikely to discern the difference.
I would be interested to hear is anybody disagrees or knows better. - Robin
Yes, I used it for a few weeks, both on a Raspberry Pi 2 B and on a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Just select I2S output, and Hifiberry DAC.
I was very happy with it, but it suddenly stopped working. The red power led on the Lusya DAC is still on, but now there isn’t any output from the RCA connectors. Still investigating…
this board does not have a ES9038Q2M chip, the package is totally different
In the description they claim to use 2x ES9023
It uses ES9038q2m
£48.61 5%OFF | R38h Raspberry Pi DAC decoder board 4B 3B digital broadcast webcast IIS 768KHz DSD 512 hard solution
this is a different board compared to the first posted link
I don’t see any crystal oscillators.
How is the clock generated?
Most high quality DACs use two of them…