I’m making a Retro Radio… basically a RPi0 GPIO’d into an old radio I had laying around… nothing new really… except…
I’d like to have the cover of the current song displayed on a separate monitor disguised as a CD cover. So it basically looks like I’ve got the CD cover of the current song on my radio. A dynamically changing CD cover if you will.
Is this at a ll possible with Volumio? Can I output the art to a separate monitor? Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work?
I don’t have any coding skills per se… but I have been reading up on Python and feel semi good abour understanding the fundamentals.
BUT… I of course will be VERY open to your guidance and would love to learn how to do this… which will open my horizons up to implementing more of my crazy retro audio/video/gaming ideas
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately i’m not a programmer and don’t know how to get it working. Even the links provided by michelangelo a too complicated for me
Maybe someone else can give us hints how it would be possible… Even some ressources regarding the necessary programming steps would be nice.
I would invest some time to get it done…
Does anyone know, if there’s a possibility to display the current album art in a browser?
I’ve got another pi running Raspbian and maybe i can run it in a kiosk/infopanel-mode, where only the browser content will be displayed…
guys!! I succeed and without typing any script, all you have to do is install picoreplayer in your sd card and run it on your raspberry pi when installation finish connect to the web server inthe bottom you will find “beta” click on it and you will see more options! after that go to LMS and proceed to the installation i think it will ask to resize partition of the microsd reboot then start lms! ok now go back to picoreplayer web server settings> tweaks and install Jivelite, after that im not sure if you have to reboot or not, ok at this point if you connect a display in the hdmi out you will see a panel you can control via touchscreen! or with mouse and keyboard I did that me because i just want to display the album art and leave it like that, ok now plug your display in hdmi and you gonna see a selection of “skins” please choose joggler skin or touch skin depending on the resolution of your display, next step select server i think called “picoreplayer” so now you gonna play music from lms, and all your music info/album art will be displayed in the screen, if you click in “now playing” and then click on the album art a couple of times and you can choose from album art in fullscreen or album art with song and artist name on the right and there is another options too, if you go to lms there is a ton of plugins (spotify tidal etc) sorry for my very basic english and hope i could explain myself, ill upload pics when i finish my streamer with display!