I can see that, I have a 30w one that i bought many years ago, and i don’t know what i got it for. Now since i been working on a Pi project adding a HiFiBerry and adding Pin header I just hoping that 15W https://www.amazon.com/Weller-SP15NUS-15-Watts-Soldering-Iron/dp/B00B3SHFXI/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Weller+SP15NUS+15-Watts+Soldering+Iron+tips&qid=1624003690&refinements=p_36%3A1253529011&rnid=1243644011&s=hi&sr=1-1 will do the job.
what i found out over the years is that you need in cold times more power that’s why even
the seller of my old iron switched to 25 watt the 15 watt is the old version…
your 30 watt will do the job too if it got a small tip…
this is my old one ( mine looks worse but it still does the job but i can’t change tips any more,
stuck screw is gone it will break if i try to release it ):
// https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDg1WDEwMjQ=/z/FGYAAOSwxB9gcKNj/$_84.JPG
What would u think about this, i notice that u can switch it from 15 or 30 watts https://www.amazon.com/Hi-Spec-Adjustable-Temperature-Pyrography-Desoldering/dp/B074Z58S62/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=30+watt+solder+iron&qid=1624062603&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A6358196011&rnid=6358194011&s=hi&sr=1-14 but i notice that i don’t come with a sharp screw tip, but i pretty sure that i could buy them, if i know that i was good which it looks good. u can switch back and forth from 15 to 30 watts
tip eat up in time short tips are not my favo… and it doesn’t look like something i would buy.
Will this headers https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07842GC5F/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=AXPTQCPMY5EH&psc=1 fit on HiFiBerry circuit boards
What size solder wick is good https://www.amazon.com/NTE-Electronics-SW02-10-No-Clean-Blue-098/dp/B0195UVWJ8/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=solder%2Bwick&qid=1624158019&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A6358196011&rnid=6358194011&s=hi&sr=1-1&th=1
headers are to long on one side or you like to cut them all to size, wick cost to mutch bought on ali 1/2 euro
Ok, what is a good gpio header for circuit boards like HiFiBerry circuit boards and hats for Raspberry pi, which i have a Pi 4.
If you know, between silver and cooper tips, which would be the best to work with soldering irons
1 side smaller that one that i showed other wise you have to cut it again
you could use it but you have to cut then after soldering. header has just stick ou for a few mm to solder.
silver tips could have a longer life time most have a harder layer on top of the copper tip. so it is what they use. that’s why you only clean the tip and not scratch it off this could damage the coating.
After searching Amazon.com I thank that i will be going for one that you can adjust the temperature, hope that work and better to know if i need it hotter or less…
it’s a 60w model so it should heat up quick. and eazy to switch tips and no parts that can break eazy.
Yeah, that what i thought, a soldering iron with control temperature, i mean also get the right temperature that you need.
those wheels will get stuff between it dust and contact will be less or breaks so that’s not my favo .
Example: On a 60w LED soldering iron that i was looking at, do it have to be 60w in order for u to control the temperature up or down
60w will give you the high temp, if you temper your temp you get a lower watt in use.
so do watt you wanna do and feels fine 4 you… even your leds will eat some watt.
On a Raspberry Pi 4 that i have, i been looking for buying some GPIO wire to do some customizing. What is a good wire gauge to get to use.
most of the hfiberry boards got dsp on those pins but i have said what i could say.
Do u know of a good wire gauge size is good or best too use.
For GPIO jumper wire for raspberry pi projects, would 0.1 inch ribbon cables sizes
https://www.amazon.com/Glarks-Rainbow-Ribbon-2-54mm-Connectors/dp/B0775WHBP5/ref=sr_1_23?dchild=1&keywords=flat+ribbon+cable+for+raspberry+pi&qid=1624520920&s=industrial&sr=1-23 be the right size for the GPIO. I been looking for some of the wire to customize some.
What size would u call it 0.1 what i keep seeing
better way is just use the 40 pin header cable, if you like a lot of work use wires.
but you are making a eazy way difficult with wires…