For those of us running Volumio in ‘test’ mode and checking the latest changes is there a thread here that announces/discusses these changes? I can’t find a tread but maybe I’m not looking in the right place?
Also, there are frequently new ‘test’ releases with no change log so we have no idea what it is we are 'test’ing. Can we have a thread for test releases that gives us information on the changes and a platform to discuss the changes? Otherwise, what is the point of ‘test’ releases? Following the Git doesn’t help because it seems to operate disparately from the forum…
Well, I’m still blindly downloading updates without any idea of what has changed… Latest V2.138. Guess I’ll just have to test everything and try to work it out myself. This seems crazy to me.
Hi Liberator, yours is definetely a good idea.
First, let me explain how updates work: dev updates are in reality nightly-builds that we build every time a new thing is added, and test internally. That’s why there’s no changelog.
So basically there are 2 kind of releases: dev and stable.
What we could do is we could crete 3 levels of release: the dev build that we have now, an “almost-ready” and stable. So we could pre-publish almost ready images for people on the forum to test. What do you think?
So the current ‘dev’ updates that are downloaded if in test mode are nightly builds? I think that is all that is needed, but with some indication of which new commits are included so that the people testing will know which features have changed and can test those changes extensively. The more people we can get testing the more confident we can be when a new stable release is done.
I would like to see a thread ‘Latest test releases’ which includes this information (with links to the changes) and enables people to give feedback on the changes. This is important because, as I have seen, you can’t test every possible scenario when you make changes. I came across an issue with my Search Function commit that probably would have been found by someone testing much earlier.
Only minimal info needs to be posted each time - something like this:
20/04/17 - New dev release V 2.777
Includes new commits:
Fix Artist artwork (#1108)<Link
Fix Search Function (#1134)<Link
Would it be possible to display the commit messages from Git since the last build? This way the change log doesn’t need any additional curation and it would encourage developers to write proper commit messages, which is also not a bad thing
That’s exactly what I would like to see: A list of the new commits included with a description and a link to the change. Nothing else needed really. We then know what has changed and can test extensively.
Interesting, but indeed very complicated to achieve.
We know the hash of: UI, BE , Build, both of the previous dev and released version and the new dev version.
Any suggestion on how to achieve this?
When you find a discover a program that will find problems, analyse the code, talk with the users and then fix the code let me know .
Having spent many hours working with and re-writing code I don’t think a few minutes writing a post with the change details is too much trouble. Otherwise I might as well just stick to my own fork and then spend more hours testing the changes. Maybe I will never try to do something that another use tries and never see a problem…
As I see it we need to introduce potential changes and then let users test it. If all is OK then push it to the main repository. The effort needed to post the change details is minuscule compared to the the effort needed to make the changes.