Delay with the cover and information about the song

I am asking for advice and help because I am just getting to know Volumio and I have encountered a very big problem that prevents me from using this system on RaspberryPi.

I don’t know why when I turn on a radio station, the song progress bar starts from the very beginning, and the end result is that the song ends and a new one starts, and I have information from the previous song and the cover, not what is currently being played.

What’s the problem? How to fix it?

Thank you for the information.

Some web radio stations have that issue sometimes.
Are all the web radio stations you try showing that behaviour?

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At this point, 5 different radio stations have been added and I see that only one is able to display songs in real time. Sorry, this is only my first adventure with this Volumio platform and I don’t know if it’s normal or maybe I’m missing something in terms of plugins or updates :slight_smile:

By the way, do you know how to, for example, change the content that should be displayed on the screen while listening to the radio? Can this be changed? For example, add station graphics or choose to only display the station name and not search for what song it is?

I’m not sure why you are having the issue to such an extent, I only see it occasionally.
It happens with TuneIn as well if I use that on my phone.
Perhaps it’s just a limitation of the streaming technology that is used by web radio stations.

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