Default Browser-Page

Hey guys,
I’m from Germany - sorry for my bad english.

My question: Is there any way, to open the Webinterface at a specific page? In my case, I want to open the radio-favourites-page by default.
…like this one: “http://volumio.local/radio-favourites”!?


I also want to do this



Best Regards

Is your volumio box is purley for web radio
I have a Volumio box in the shed just for web radio only and get arout this oversight by…

Enable persistant queue and add your favourite radio stations to the queue.
Create your webpage shortcut to the queue page.
Each time you then open the shortcut it takes me to the queue which has the favourite radio stations

Just my 10 bobs worth :slight_smile:

Hi Thanks… That’s interesting… however I plan to use it for all digital music.
At the minute the lack of browser ability stops me putting it on my stereo. Otherwise it’s great.
