Selling my DACberry One+
35€ + shipping from Germany
Little used works perfect.
Board Details here: … -one-plus/
Selling my DACberry One+
35€ + shipping from Germany
Little used works perfect.
Board Details here: … -one-plus/
Hi Cartasid,
I want to buy it.
Shipping to Germany
Kannst mir eine PM schreiben.
Schöne Grüße
Hi, kann scheinbar leider keine PM schreiben, kannst mich gerne per Mail kontaktieren.
…you got mail
Hallo Nicolas,
Sendungsnummer per email wäre much appreciated.
May i ask what has been the reason to give it away for half the price ? I already own one of these and i have to report i am very happy with it - for the use case ( dac + digi in- and output ).
Given a good power supply it is sounding good to my ears… … to my ears, on a couple of different amp -> Speaker sets
For just DAC i am also tending to PI4(1GB) and a Khadas tone board… Things changed a bit with the PI4.
Best Regards
Hallo Nicolas,
Ist heute angekommen.
Schöne Woche