DAC sabre Audiophonics

…i remember you asked here on the forum - and i told you there is no “giity gritty” to use this “still unsupported” Audiophonics board.
I’m sorry for not guessing you could have troubles with the configuration.

Should you be in hurry, i would offer an ALLO BOSS hat, which is supported out of the box, together with an ALLO 5V/3A HQ power supply for an exclusive trade off exclusively for you.

Best Regards

Hi Josef
I open the Chrome browser in windows pc, I digit the Ip and I click on “SSH enable”.
I insert


and the browser give me an htp address, I put this on Chrome browser and the system open a screen that I don’t can modify.
I think than procedure is wrong.
Can I have to do?

If I have to use putty I don’t know what to do.


Hi, just two clarifications:

  1. The DAC works by setting the ES9028 but I can’t adjust the volume … having a Rotel RA-10 without remote control … it’s a problem.

  2. I used Putty and I typed SUDO NANO DACS.JSON, a window opens where I find the mentioned line that you say to insert :open_mouth:

Hi Daniele,

Yes, ssh into your device, then:

cd /volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/i2s_dacs

sudo nano dacs.json

Insert the following line: (in 1 line !)

{"id":"audiophonics-es9028q2m-dac","name":"Audiophonics I-Sabre ES9028Q2M","overlay":"i-sabre-q2m","alsanum":"1","mixer":"Digital","modules":"","script":"","needsreboot":"yes"},

Save, exit and reboot

Choose the “Audiophonics I-Sabre ES9028Q2M” as your DAC


Enjoy volume control :slight_smile:

Best Regards

There is no need: this overlay has been added in last version.

Hi Michelangelo, Hi Daniele,

Thank you, Michelangelo.
So do we have to choose “Volumio ESS 9028QM” as there is no selection for “Audiophonics…” and then volume control will work ?

Best Regards

Hi all, thank you for your support and for the time you dedicate to me.
the DAC is selectable (no 9038 but 9028) but the volume is not adjustable via the app.

Hi Michelangelo,

I updated to Version 2.713 but i can´t select the audiophonics I-Sabre ES9038Q2M in the Playback Options.

Instead I have to use the manual installation from their github page [spoiler]https://github.com/audiophonics/Volumio2_I-sabre9028_plugin[/spoiler].

After that, the systemupdate will no longer work because of user modified files.

You said the overlay has been added, but it is not there.

Please add this dac with the next update.


Hi Michelangelo, any news?

Hi Team Volumio.
I kindly ask you to give me an answer regarding my repeated requests.
In December I purchased the Audiophonics DAC but it still does not work … and I have not returned it because you told me that you would implement it at the beginning of the year.
Volume control is missing, and there are often errors.
I had to set up another DAC … always without volume control.
Volume control is important to me, my amplifier does not have a remote control.
Can you tell me if you will fix the problems or if I have to switch players as recommended by Audiphonics?
Thank you.

Hi Daniele,

Update to v2.718 !
It is there now :smiley:

Thank you, Michelangelo

Best Regards

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Hi Josep, my volume is updated to v2.714 which is the latest available.
The reason is that I use the free version?


Hi Daniele,

No - it has nothing to do with the “free” version.
Volumio is always free.

It is a “dev” version. (developer version).

just add an /dev to the URL in your browser and activate “test versions”.

Or just wait for the next full version.

Best Regards

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I will look forward to the next release.

Tanks Josef

Hi Josep and Team, I updated the system to the 2.718 release and the DAC works.
Thanks a lot.

I just want to report that my system is working pretty well out of the box with the Raspberry pi3 B, Audiophonics DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M.
Volumio VERSION: 2.773

A very clear sound came out and was controllable from the web interface :slight_smile:

  • Installed Spotify by Volumio under Plugins.

I could now search play Spotify. But not anything from my phone. I also believe my playlists were missing.

  • I installed the 2nd Spotify Plugin Spotify Connect2 (Both at the same time)

Now, I could see volumes in Spotify and Control sounds and Volume :exclamation: :laughing: :smiley:
After a restart of her iPhone, my GF can also see the Volumio Airplay option.

I cannot access Volumio.local on all computers. And once we started controlling Volumio from phones via Spotify and Airplay, the web interface became unresponsive. But I’m not planning to use the Volumio interface daily.

If I had known I had to pick the Audiophonics 9028 and install both Spotify plugins, I could have saved 5 hours. The link to the Audioohonics Forum from the DAC product page is dead. At least for me.

Looking forward to diving in! Adding volume knob and screen…

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Is there anyone who using Volumio3 with ES9028Q2M DAC? What settings do you use for this? Volume control doesn’t work for me.

Same for me. I am using Volumio 3 and Audiophonics 9038Q2M, selecting 9028Q2M driver in the menu, Volume control does not work…
Thanks for help!

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I think this is an i2c problem.
I have an i2c analyzer, but we’re moving now, so I need a few weeks to test it.


I’ve got a lot of hat dacs and didn’t find time to test this dac on V3 as i’m quite busy with other things to earn my money.

But i will do a test on V3 as soon as time is coming back to me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Best Regards