Cuts when playing tracks

Hi, I just bought a volumio primo hi-fi edition.

Nothing to do, I systematically have micro cuts when playing tracks on Qobuz.

-I updated it to version 3.512 rev sun 25.
-Tried WiFi and Ethernet connection.
-Tried the buffer on all sizes up to 12MB.
-Connected digital and analog output.
-Interface control via HDMI, tablet and smartphone with app.

This is very annoying, given the theoretical qualities of this device…


No issues for me with Qobuz on a Volumio Primo Mk 1 (Hifi edition), so my recommendation is that you create a support ticket on their support page since you have access to dedicated support with the hifi edition.

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has perhaps changed the playback speed? is FusionDSP installed?

Hi, I’ve solved this problem since I installed the DSP.
Thanks for your reply.