Cubox vs Udoo

I noticed the Volumio devices page lists Udoo and the best choice for a high-end system. Is this due to audio performance or features/connectivity? In other words, if I’m going to connect a USB DAC, would the Udoo outperform the Cubox?

Is the CuBox-i supported?

Hi volumiorocks,

i can confirm that the Cubox-i is supported. I’m actually using Volumio 1.4 on my Cubox-i4Pro.
For the comparison with Udoo i won’t be able to help unfortunately.


Thanks esseki. Do we know if the faster Cubox-i systems sound better than the slower ones?

BTW, is the Cubox-i case plastic or aluminum?

Hi volumiorocks,

Cubox-i case is made of Plastic.
I just have one i4Pro so i can not compare it with slower models. But as far as i can read on the forum a 2 cores model should be enough to run Volumio.


Thanks, I want to grab one but it looks like a 3-4 week wait right now.

Does anyone else reading this understand the difference in descriptions between Udoo and Cubox as described in my first post in this thread?