Create a corrupted img file

please help me

I am using the version: : 2.565 .

After I edited a few points.I use the Win32DiskImager software to create the IMG file. I then used the Win32DiskImager itself to create a new memory card.then the system is not working. Please help me fix it
Thanks All

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I Vietnamese goods

If I leave the memory card intact, it will work normally. But if copying to another memory card is not running

You need to write the original image to the new card rather than trying to copy an installlation.

If I do that, I have to change it from scratch. It will be difficult to help my friends reach volumio. With previous versions I could do that.

error on the LCD screen like this

Try cloning the card with Win32Diskimager instead of copying files.
But be warned - you will run into other uuid issues if you try using the instance on the same network.

I do not understand.Win32Diskimager only reads from img file … of-backup/

I did the right thing but didn’t work. New memory card reported the above error

I can’t do the following.
IMG Myvolumio download new- > Win32DiskImager -> SD Cad -> Win32DiskImager -> IMG-> Win32DiskImager-> SD cad new.